The stand of Labor resources center of St. Petersburg has traditionally attracted the attention of numerous visitors. Students were actively interested in vacancies for young people from our partners, received advice on what professional skills and personal qualities are in great demand in the labor market of St. Petersburg and how the labor market will change in the near future. In a large conference hall for all interested, we presented the project “Your first step in career”, told about its achievements, opportunities and plans for 2020, and our colleagues from OOO Digital design presented to students a new development of the center of labor resources an innovative portal for job search “Studentor”, whose algorithm for searching for vacancies and candidates is based on a self-learning neural network, which allows you to take a new look at the process of selecting candidates for employment.
The Сenter of labor resources of St. Petersburg expressed his deep appreciation and gratitude to the administration of the RGPU. A. I. Herzen for the invitation and organization of participation in the University Сareer Day, we hope to continue our cooperation in 2020.